Calwell Shopping Centre
open 7 days | free parking
Calwell Shopping Centre regularly updates this website and has taken care to ensure all content within this site is accurate, however Calwell Shopping Centre (or any other company or associated entity) does not make any representation or warranty that such information is accurate or complete, nor do they accept any liability for harm, loss, costs, or damage arising from the use or reliance on the information, including data corruption or download.
Any prospective tenant, purchaser or other unit or security holder must investigate all necessary searches and enquiries as to the accuracy and comprehensiveness of all information contained on this website or otherwise made available to it by any one of the entities. Calwell Shopping Centre do not take responsibility for sites of other organisations, whether or not linked, or any device used to access our site.
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From time to time Calwell Shopping Centre may run competitions or promotions which may be promoted through the website. Whenever specific terms and conditions are required within the promotion of a competition or promotion, that information will be published on the site and directly linked to the relevant competition or promotion.
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The Calwell Shopping Centre name and all its associated trademarks are trademarks of Calwell Shopping Centre. Any other trademarks appearing on this Website may be the trademarks of the relevant owners. You must not use any trademarks that appear on this Website without the written consent of the trademark owner.
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Casual Leasing - Inquire now
(or "a pop up shop") opportunities are available at Calwell Shopping Centre – 7 days a week. Download the Application Form for Casual Leasing